The season continues indoors on the Henry C. Bishop stage.
The Hobbit
Adapted By Patricia Gray
From the novel by Jrr Tolkien
Directed by Tess Burgler
Music Direction by the Rude Sea
Fight Direction by Ryan Zarecki
October 2 - 26
Please note the 7pm evening start times for this production to accommodate younger patrons and families! Matinees begins at 2pm.
Subscribers can reserve seats now by emailing
This show generously sponsored by:
Michael and Monika Esposito
Hobbits are quiet folk who prefer the comforts of home and drink and food. And Bilbo Baggins is no exception. But when Gandalf, the wandering grey wizard, shows up on is doorstep and offers him an adventure of a lifetime, Bilbo finds himself swept along on a quest with 13 determined dwarves, trolls, goblins, and magic rings. At the end waits the great a terrible dragon Smaug.
This theatrical and imaginative performance will feature actor-musicians from THE RUDE SEA (the band behind the music of 2024’s The Wizard of Oz), plenty of fantasy and high-stakes swordplay, and magic sure to enchant the entire family.
Tolkien fans will appreciate the attention to Tolkien-lore and costuming that homages the famous Peter Jackson movies.
Important Dates:
Thursday October 2 is Preview Night ($15 tix)
Sunday October 5 is Pay What You Will*
Saturday October 11 is Free Student Night
Saturday October 18 is Hallow’s Eve in Hobbiton
$5 student tix in Gallery for all shows
Photos of volunteer models from our acting company were taken before auditions and do not necessarily represent the actors in the show.
*Due to the extraordinary amount of no-call-no-shows for last year’s otherwise sold-out Pay What You Will performances, the PWYW price is only available by calling 330-574-2537 or at the door starting 1 hour before the performance.
Questions can go to or call us at 330-5-SHAKES